Appalachian Adventures FREE chapters. Author Maggie Bishop presents fun, fiction and facts.

About The Cousins

Perfect for Framing
Ride Horses in Murder at Blue Falls
Downhill Ski in Emeralds in the Snow
Backpack in Appalachian Paradise
About The Cousins
Tucker Family Tree
Little Known Adventures

Lucky, Wes, Grady and Tucker are cousins born and raised in the deep mountins of North Carolina not far from the Tennessee line. A strong sense of family and history keep them in Watauga County.

Detective Tucker could count on two hands the number of murders he'd investigated during his career. The murder at Blue Falls Ranch was the most frustrating. Until meeting Jemma, all his thoughts and drive were for his work. He liked solving crimes and helping bring justice to his territory.

Lucky loves to ski and keep the slopes safe for everyone. He even volunteers as a First Responder for emergencies near his home. In his spare time, he's crafting his home with the help of Hambone, his four-legged evening companion. Sunday dinners with Grandma and family keep his priorities straight until he rescues Emerald in the snow. She's flirts with him and captures his attention.

Grady's story won't be told until next year. He's a mountain climber recently released from the army. He's seen the world but the old Appalachians called him back.

Wes is the most successful business man of the cousins but he lives low-key. Weekly poker games keep him humble. Sisters living nearby keep him fed. Hiking in the woods is a favorite endeavor. When losing at poker leads him on a backpacking trip of a lifetime, his world changes forever.

Sugar Mountain Ski Patrol Party